Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Please Leave Your Blog Address Here

Hi Everyone,
I really like Ben's idea of creating a catalogue where we can store each others blog addresses and post comments. This will keep things organised! Thanks Ben.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah

Thanks for the link to your blog. I like it a lot. I think the more blogs we have the better informed we can be about how to get the most out this tool and how best to use it in an educational setting. Cheers

PS I have now added you as a link.

Sarah Talbot said...

Hi Ben,
Yes i agree. I have learnt so much already from setting it up and viewing other peoples blogs.Lets hope this continues...

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah.

Your Blog's looking good. Just to let you know, I've added more links to my Blog, if you'd like to have a look. Cheers

Magical Bill said...

Hi Sarah,

I'm rapt in the video bar! How good is that?

My new blog is at

Look forward to the social network of blogs that is being created here.

Regards, Bill Oldham